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Movies that I liked :)

A Separation The Reader (2008) The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) An Education (2009) The Descendants (2011) The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011) Before Sunrise (1995) Ghost Town (2008) The Departed (2006) Titanic (1996) Man on Fire (2004) The Ghost Writer (2010) The Dark Knight (2008) No Country for Old Men (2007) The Godfather (1972) Changeling (2008) Some movies that I saw in different times. Enjoyed them for many reasons; The story, The acting, the conversations and the concept. :)

11 Business Tips & Advices

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My first business advices based on my short experience in business :

1. Meetings & Communication
  • Make it productive: Shorter is better, Keep focused & summarize the results to the client at the end.
  • Listen carefully & take notes
  • When you do a phone call don't test people memories, that might embarrass them and build wall between you and them .. always introduce your self when you call some one.
  • Always Call back when you see missed calls & NEVER ignore people even if you didn't like dealing with them. find another way except ignoring.

2. Your Profissional Look
  • Your website & Cooperate Identity : It is how people quickly evaluate you, your service and market position. You need to pay much attention how that combination will look.
  • Your Work Space: it always reflect the type of people you are and it shows also how professional you are
  • Don't forget always try to Dress well :)

3. Clients: Small Businesses vs Big Ones 
Usually people look for big clients thinking that it is better then small businesses (its not always true) here are some tips

  • When got approached by client : Never under estimate a client just be professional
  • Small businesses are the gate for bigger clients
  • If you are service provider, Small businesses will give more space to show ideas and test new services.
  • Small ones will be bigger some day and you will be part of that success! so keep helping small and new businesses

4. Staffing: Talent Search ? 
  • Are you really looking for talent? or looking for losers who doesn't have chance? What did you do to attract talents? usually companies attract jobless people .. 
  • You don’t know when a real talent come by your door? So keep your doors ALWAYS open 
  • Always try finding new “fresh” graduates & minds. 

5. Social Responsibility

  • I think it apply to all business levels, every one could do something .. Always keep volunteering, contributing in social development project, events and causes 

6. Clients are HUMAN
  • Be patient with all.
  • NEVER deal with client the same.
  • Old clients need some Appreciation, that Appreciation should be reflected into real benefits for them not just talking
  • Make your clients feel they are valuable to you. Value them, their time and their work.
  • Mistakes Happens: when you do mistakes translate it to some thing productive for client. discount? free gift ....etc

7. Commitment First 
  • When it come to services and in many cases commitment is more important than quality 
  • Never stop in the middle !

8. Personal Life and Business Life
  • DONT mix your business with your personal problems, and stay always positive.
  • In some cases its better to deal with clients as they are and not to deal with them as friends .
  • Try to get vacation from time to time.

9. Development 
  • Make your self as part of your client business & always share ideas to develop their businesses.
  • Try to evaluate your service to them and the benefits they got through, Based one that develop it on next time.

10. You & Your Team
  • Being a leader means you should always be running on the first place, be inspiring to your team.
  • Some team members might be better than you some day ?! give them a space to show that and reward them for it. You cant luck a free bird on a cage ! The bird will run away some day.
  • Dont deal with your team members as you have CREATED them, You helped them & they helped you. Keep growing them as you grow ! That will make it difficult for them to leave you.

11. Privacy 
  • Never talk about clients problems and issues in front of any other competitors, business colleague nor your personal friends 
  • Teach your team how to deal carefully with clients info & emphasize on that on their work contract.


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

وراء قصص النجاح ؟

© corbis images كثير منا ينبهرون جدا بمايسمعون من قصص النجاح حولهم " وانا منهم طبعا :) “ كلنا نريد نجاح مثل بيل جيتس او ستيف جوبز او غيرهم .. وهذا من حق اي شخص بالتأكيد .. في مجتمعنا ايضا يوجد قصص نجاح مبهرة ايضا لكثير من الاشخاص بدون ذكر اسماء لكن ماهو النجاح ؟ وهل نحن في المسار الصحيح ؟ ماهو النجاح ؟ ما أحب ان اركز عليه هو ان النجاح موضوع نسبي جدا فالبعض يعرفه بالنجاح المادي او الاجتماعي او العلمي ... البعض الاخر يعرف النجاح على انه اداء مهمة في الحياة .. مثلا تربية اطفال داخل اطار العائلة؟ او على اطار اوسع مثل تربية عشرات في مدرسة ؟ البعض يعرفه في العمل الخيري او التطوعي .. كلها امور نسبيه ... هناك من يريد السفر من صنعاء الى القاهرة فيأخذ الطائرة الى دبي .. هل انت في المسار الصحيح؟ قابلت احد رجال الاعمال مؤخرا لاستشيره في بعض الامور فلفت نظري لنقطة هامه تتكرر يوميا من حولنا .. وهي هل انت في المسار الصحيح ؟ البعض يعمل على نفسه بشكل جيد في اختيار تخصص دراسي معين وثم يتبعها بدراسات عليا في نفس المجال ... ليعمل لاحقا في مجال اخر تماما بعد ك

Situation Photography - Behind the Scenes - ماوراء كواليس التصوير - مشروع :حالة

ولدت فكرة هذا المشروع اثناء فترة الاشتباكات في اليمن ..  لفت نظري في تلك الفترة ان كثير من الناس اصروا على مواصلة الحياة برغم كل الظروف المحيطة .. مع كل تلك الرغبة والتحدي في مواصلة الحياة يصعب على الانسان اخفاء كثير من المظاهر التي تبدو كتناقضات .. * كنت اتمنى ان يكون التصوير خارجيا وفي مواقع اكثر تأثيرا وبحضور ممثلين (موديل) اكثر .. لكن لم استطع للأسف بسبب الوضع الامني ... *الصور موجودة هنا: http://www.facebook.com/jaber.art Situation concept was born during the days of the clashes in Yemen ... During that days many people try to continue going with their lives but even though .. they couldn't hide their true emotions & feelings .. * I wish that I could have done that in outdoors location with more models .. but unfortunately the situation was really dangerous that days *Photos are available here:  http://www.facebook.com/jaber.art Thank you for all GREAT people who helped & participated Fashion Styling Artist: Mona Almutawakel Studio & Video: