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عرض المشاركات من أكتوبر, ٢٠١١

Movies that I liked :)

A Separation The Reader (2008) The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) An Education (2009) The Descendants (2011) The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011) Before Sunrise (1995) Ghost Town (2008) The Departed (2006) Titanic (1996) Man on Fire (2004) The Ghost Writer (2010) The Dark Knight (2008) No Country for Old Men (2007) The Godfather (1972) Changeling (2008) Some movies that I saw in different times. Enjoyed them for many reasons; The story, The acting, the conversations and the concept. :)

11 Business Tips & Advices

New Page My first business advices based on my short experience in business : 1. Meetings & Communication Make it productive: Shorter is better, Keep focused & summarize the results to the client at the end. Listen carefully & take notes When you do a phone call don't test people memories, that might embarrass them and build wall between you and them .. always introduce your self when you call some one. Always Call back when you see missed calls & NEVER ignore people even if you didn't like dealing with them. find another way except ignoring. 2. Your Profissional Look Your website & Cooperate Identity : It is how people quickly evaluate you, your service and market position. You need to pay much attention how that combination will look. Your Work Space: it always reflect the type of people you are and it shows also how professional you are Don't forget always try to Dress well :) 3. Clients: Small  Busine

المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

11 Business Tips & Advices

New Page My first business advices based on my short experience in business : 1. Meetings & Communication Make it productive: Shorter is better, Keep focused & summarize the results to the client at the end. Listen carefully & take notes When you do a phone call don't test people memories, that might embarrass them and build wall between you and them .. always introduce your self when you call some one. Always Call back when you see missed calls & NEVER ignore people even if you didn't like dealing with them. find another way except ignoring. 2. Your Profissional Look Your website & Cooperate Identity : It is how people quickly evaluate you, your service and market position. You need to pay much attention how that combination will look. Your Work Space: it always reflect the type of people you are and it shows also how professional you are Don't forget always try to Dress well :) 3. Clients: Small  Busine

وراء قصص النجاح ؟

© corbis images كثير منا ينبهرون جدا بمايسمعون من قصص النجاح حولهم " وانا منهم طبعا :) “ كلنا نريد نجاح مثل بيل جيتس او ستيف جوبز او غيرهم .. وهذا من حق اي شخص بالتأكيد .. في مجتمعنا ايضا يوجد قصص نجاح مبهرة ايضا لكثير من الاشخاص بدون ذكر اسماء لكن ماهو النجاح ؟ وهل نحن في المسار الصحيح ؟ ماهو النجاح ؟ ما أحب ان اركز عليه هو ان النجاح موضوع نسبي جدا فالبعض يعرفه بالنجاح المادي او الاجتماعي او العلمي ... البعض الاخر يعرف النجاح على انه اداء مهمة في الحياة .. مثلا تربية اطفال داخل اطار العائلة؟ او على اطار اوسع مثل تربية عشرات في مدرسة ؟ البعض يعرفه في العمل الخيري او التطوعي .. كلها امور نسبيه ... هناك من يريد السفر من صنعاء الى القاهرة فيأخذ الطائرة الى دبي .. هل انت في المسار الصحيح؟ قابلت احد رجال الاعمال مؤخرا لاستشيره في بعض الامور فلفت نظري لنقطة هامه تتكرر يوميا من حولنا .. وهي هل انت في المسار الصحيح ؟ البعض يعمل على نفسه بشكل جيد في اختيار تخصص دراسي معين وثم يتبعها بدراسات عليا في نفس المجال ... ليعمل لاحقا في مجال اخر تماما بعد ك

A Facebook Account - Raafat Al-mikhlafi - RIP

Raafat Al-mikhlafi No more friends to be accepted … Only some few pictures of some moments could be shared. Moments that will never be repeated… not any more No more statues updates ... Only some latest opinions about the yemeni revolution & Saleh regiem could be found on his wall. I couldn’t control my emotions when I saw a picture of one of today’s martyrs. Rafat who is some one that I dont know and never met  was killed for holding a dream ! ... His dream ... My dream ... Yemenis dream ... The dream of better Yemen. The photo was posted by a friend from the martyr’s facebook account. Now I only see the account as grave, a witness of injustice and salience toward what is happening in Yemen. A witness of violence toward peace… Peace which will win someday. RIP